Amino Acid Profile of White Wheyle – The Building Blocks of Your Muscles

Aminozuren profiel / Amino acids profile: 100 g 30 g
L-Glutamine / Glutamine 12,20 g 3,66 g
L-Leucine / Leucine 8,64 g 2,59 g
L-Lysine / Lysine 8,08 g 2,42 g
L-Asparagine / Asparagine 7,44 g 2,23 g
L-Threonine / Threonine 6,13 g 1,84 g
L-Isoleucine / Isoleucine 5,44 g 1,63 g
Proline / Proline 5,27 g 1,58 g
L-Valine / Valine 4,94 g 1,48 g
L-Serine / Serine 4,26 g 1,28 g
L-Alanine / Alanine 4,10 g 1,23 g
L-Phenylalanine / Phenylalanine 2,77 g 0,83 g
L-Tyrosine / Tyrosine 2,51 g 0,75 g
L-Methionine / Methionine 1,86 g 0,56 g
L-Cysteïne / Cysteïne 1,78 g 0,53 g
L-Arginine / Arginine 1,76 g 0,53 g
L-Histidine / Histidine 1,52 g 0,46 g
Glycine / Glycine 1,47 g 0,44 g
L-Tryptophan / Tryptofaan 1,14 g 0,34 g

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